53 Strong DeAthlon

Marvin Ridge High School 2825 Crane Road, Waxhaw

Join DeAngelo and The DeAngelo Williams Foundation for the second annual 53 Strong DeAthlon in Waxhaw, North Carolina. This unique Run-Bike-Fun event is sure to be packed with loads of excitement. For more information and to register go to https://53strongdeathlon.raceroster.com/

DWF + Novant Health: Breast Health & Education Webinar

Join DeAngelo Williams, Novant Health, and WBTV's Molly Grantham on Wednesday, October 27th at 12:00pm for a conversation about breast health and wellness. No pre-registration needed. Join here Or call in: 1-651-372-8299 Webinar ID: 924 6748 9549 Passcode: 151768
